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Ứng dụng
SWISSGRIND ZOOM XL đặc biệt phù hợp với tốc độ mài cao. Sử dụng điển hình là nghiền bên trong / bên ngoài, cấp liệu leo mài, mài con lắc và mài bánh răng. SWISSGRIND ZOOM XL đặc biệt phù hợp với thép tốc độ cao và cứng.
SWISSGRIND ZOOM XL is a full synthetic grinding oil, which is light, free of chlorine and aroma. It is made of polyalfaolefines and is developed to meet the highest demands. It distinguishes itself with
an extraordinary cooling and flushing effect, which is optimal when the grinding process involves large quantities of material and heavy cuts. Due to a specially chosen combination of additives, minimal oil mist formation develops during the grinding process with SWISSGRIND ZOOM XL. Due to it’s flushing and wetting capabilities, the grinding wheels remain sharp and abrasive.
• excellent cooling effect
• extremely low oil mist formation
• odour free
• excellent filterability
• gentle on skin
• light colour
Field of application
SWISSGRIND ZOOM XL is especially well suited to high speed grinding. Typical uses are internal/external grinding, creep-feed grinding, pendulum sharpening and gear grinding. SWISSGRIND ZOOM XL is especially suited for high speed steels and hard metal processing.
Ideal for grinding grooves with DIAMETAL MNT, which are designed for increased production.